Tango Photography Session (Private)

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Stunden

During 2 hours, you will photograph professional Tango dancers (A couple) in the most beautiful locations for Tango photographs at La Boca.

The Tango Photography Session includes:

- Photography talk and/ or technical issues preparation for the session. (If needed)

- Personal assistance (by me) and help with lights, screens, etc. during the whole session.

- At least one change of costumes (and variants) for the different locations.

- A cup of coffee and croissants (Or similar) is included.

The transportation towards and from the Tango session location is NOT included in the price.(It´ s in Caminito surroundings, La Boca)

Estimated Tango Session duration: 2 Hrs

*If you want to add more hours or more locations, contact me for a quotation.


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