The Best of Lahore Package

Sprache Englisch, Panjabi, Punjabi, Urdu
Kosten 4500 PKR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden

Looking for an unforgettable Lahore city tour experience? Look no further than our "Walled City Lahore Gems" tour package! Our expertly curated tour takes you on a journey through the heart of old Lahore, visiting some of the most iconic landmarks and hidden gems of the city.

Starting with the majestic Lahore Fort and the iconic Badshahi Masjid, you'll be transported back in time to the Mughal-era Lahore. We'll take you to the serene Allama Iqbal Tomb and on a stroll down the bustling Galli Surgan Singh, where you'll experience the true charm of old Lahore.

Our tour will also take you to the stunning Shahi Hammam and end the day with a visit to the breathtaking Wazir Khan Masjid, a true architectural masterpiece.

All this can be yours in just 4-5 hours, with our affordable and convenient tour package starting at just Rs 4500.

Book our Lahore sightseeing tour today and discover the true beauty of Lahore!


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