Mount Agung Trekking Via Besakih Temple

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden


Experience Bali’s highest and holiest mountain on an early morning hike up Mount Agung. Ascend the sacred mountain to watch a sunrise like you have never seen before!

This is a challenging hike starting near Besakih temple which is the most sacred and also called the Mother Temple of Bali. Climb up through the dense jungle of Besakih. The ascent will take approximately  6 – 7 hours (7 kilometers) and ends at the very highest point of the mountain 3,142 meters above sea level. Join a challenging Mount Agung hiking experience to witness a spectacular sunrise. Admire views of Mount Rinjani on Lombok island, and the Caldera Batur crater.


Challenge yourself to a hike up Mount Agung (the highest volcano in Bali).

Watch the sunrise from the highest point on Bali.

Admire the panoramic view of Bali Island.


08.30 – 09.00 PM

Pick up time (depend on your hotel location).

10:40 PM

Arrival at starting point of Besakih Temple

11:00 PM

Begin our trek to the summit and sunrise point

06:00 AM

Arrival at the summit, where we witness the spectacular view and sunrise

08:00 AM

Begin our descent to finishing point of our trek

12:00 PM

Arrive at the finish point of our trek and boarding car.


Private transportation in air-conditioned vehicle

Drinking water, Coffee or tea and breakfast

Experiences Mount Agung trekking guide

All entrance ticket

Walking Stick and headlamp

Health/travel insurance

X : Tips (optional)

price are for one person


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