Trip to Cox's Bazar

Sprache Bengali, Englisch, hindi, Urdu
Kosten 720 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Tage

Cox's Bazar is the world's longest sea-beach and sandy beach in the world.

"Cox's Bazar", It will be near impossible to find anyone who hasn't heard of Cox's Bazar. It is one of Bangladesh's most lucrative travel destinations. Not only in our country but Cox's Bazar has also expanded its popularity beyond the borders of Bangladesh as one of the longest sea beaches in the world.

# There are also other wonderful places to see around Cox's beach. One of these is the beautiful Himchari waterfall, located 18 kilometers south of Cox's Bazar sea beach. This is the most visited place in the district, with its beautiful refreshing green hills and the wonderful waterfall, where visitors can bathe and swim apart from the sea itself.

# Another attraction is Moheshkhali Island can be reached via speedboat. Here, visitors can view the breathtaking view of the island with the bright green color of its mangrove forest which will surely amaze everyone.

There are someplace also you can see

# 100 Feet Buddha Temple,

# Kolatoli Beach,

# Laboni Beach,

# Rubber Field,

# Inani Beach, etc.


Day 01:

Started the journey at evening by AC Bus, on the way we will provide Dinner again started journey then overnight at Bus.

Day 02:

Arrive Cox's Bazar at morning and check in at Hotel and take rest or walking around. We will provide Lunch at noon. After lunch free time & enjoy Sea-site with sunset and back to Hotel. Take dinner at evening then overnight stay at Hotel.

Day 03:

Breakfast at morning then processes a half-day sightseeing tour at Inani Beach & Himchori Waterfall. We will provide Lunch at noon. After lunch, go shopping and back to Hotel at night. Take dinner at evening then overnight stay at Hotel.

Day 04:

Breakfast at morning then processes to sightseeing tour at Moheshkhali Island via speedboat. We will provide Lunch at noon. After lunch, go walk around the beach, enjoy the sunset, and back to Hotel at night. Take dinner at evening then overnight stay at Hotel.

Day 05:

Breakfast at the Hotel check out from Hotel then transfers to Dhaka. Bye Bye Cox's Bazar.


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