Explore Sundarbans : The Home of Royal Bengal Tiger

Sprache Bengali, Englisch, hindi, Urdu
Kosten 450 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

The trip of the Sundarbans will be the World Heritage tour Itinerary for nature and wildlife lovers.

Sundarbans is a mangrove area in the delta formed by the confluence of the Padma, Brahmaputra, and Meghna Rivers in the Bay of Bengal. Sundarbans is home to the world's largest area of mangrove forests. The Sundarbans mangrove forest covers an area of about 10, 000 km2. The area is known for its wide range of fauna, including 260 bird species, the Royal Bengal tiger, and other threatened species such as the estuarine crocodile and the Indian python. The beauty of Sundarbans is wildlife. The only thing you can hear in the forest is the sound of water, wind, birds, and animals.

The most exciting thing in Sundarbans is walking inside the forest. This is an adventurous and horrible moment at the same time when you know there are the man-eating tigers and it could be anywhere, anytime. The forest guards with their guns give you the courage to experience the moment. Walking inside the mangrove trees and the field covered by tiger fern and watching running deers are a lifetime experience.


The beauty of Sundarbans is wildlife. The only thing you can hear in the forest is the sound of water, wind, birds, and animals. Sundarbans having their natural-wild vastness are the best place to spend in Bangladesh. It's having more activities than we can write about. You will experience it when you are in the middle of Sundarbans. You cannot forget a single moment if you visit once.

Day 01:

Leave Dhaka at morning by AC Bus for Khulna(221 km). Arrive at Khulna in the early afternoon and leave for Mongla(53 km) by AC private car. From Mongla will cross the river by riding a boat to AC Hotel and stay a night there.

Day 02:

At morning after breakfast, will be transferred to our boat and immediately the boat will start cruising towards the Sundarbans. Will be inside Sundarbans till the afternoon and enjoy the wildlife(Deer, Crocodile, Monkey, Bird, etc). At the afternoon will back to the hotel and leave for Khulna via Mongla. Leave Khulna at night by AC bus for Dhaka.

Day 03:

At early morning will be in Dhaka.


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