Personal Tour Guide in Bangladesh

Sprache Bengali, Englisch, hindi, Urdu
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

You will go anywhere in Bangladesh and a personal tour guide will be staying 24/7 with you. He'll be following your command.

Forget about the coach tours where you're packed in with complete strangers, you can put away the pocket guidebook and the map. Let me be your personal guide who can show you places, reveal sights and sounds, engage in talks about history, society and culture or simply hang-out with. It would be my absolute pleasure.

If you need a local guide in Bangladesh for pleasure, shopping, special interest, nightlife, sports, business visit and even travel tours for your needs or you are going to any destination in Bangladesh please do contact me and I will design a unique five-star experience for you, also saving your money if compared to High Street travel agencies! I'll be your mobile GPS, your PA and also as your friend. I will be staying for 24/7 with you and following your command. As a tour guide, I know all the beautiful places, Restaurants, Hotel etc.

I hope you'll choose me as your personal guide and tour organizer. I love being a guide. It's great fun introducing people to this beautiful country.


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