Family Friendly Venice Private City Tour

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Italienisch
Kosten 310 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 2 Stunden

City exploring with kids has never been easier! On this Venice private tour, your family is in good hands, under your local guide's care. The best part, this tour is for grown-ups and kids alike. Embark on a journey where you'll get to see Venice through your kid's eyes. Visit main highlights like Acqua Alta Bookshop, Marco Polo’s house, and Rialto Bridge, and discover hidden gems through a series of activities like treasure hunts and pop quizzes. Your kids will be able to learn about a new culture, their language, and history, thanks to your local host's stories and knowledge. This tour is both entertaining and educational! Withlocals Family Friendly City Tour™ is one of Withlocals' signature tours available in major cities worldwide. We work with passionate local guides who earn a fair fee. We support local economies by only offering local products and prevent over-tourism with only small non-intrusive groups. Our tours are carbon-neutral and away from the standard tourist routes

local snack included

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