Northern Historic Route

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 1500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

The Northern historic route of Ethiopia covers most of the northern part of Ethiopia. We call it, ' a gateway to Ethiopia's ancient history '.

In this route, you will learn from the three millennial oldest history of Ethiopia. Since the beginning of the first kingdom in Axum, followed by the second dynasty of Zagwe in Lalibela and the third dynasty of Gondar. As Christianity dominates most of the northern part of the country, you will also discover the religious attachment of the people to its rulers, while visiting an architecturally unique monasteries/and churches built by the saints and kings sometimes during the 10th - 18th centuries AD.

Thus, we always recommend the northern historic route to be the start of your visit to Ethiopia.

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