Jewish History Of Amsterdam and Anne Frank House - 3.5 Hour Walking Tour

Sprache Bosnian, Tschechisch, Englisch, kroatisch, Slovak, Serbian
Kosten 250 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden


Discover the "Jodenbuurt" and most famous and influential buildings of Amsterdam's Jewish community through the centuries, such as National Holocaust Museum, Pinto House, and Uilenburger Synagogue. Hear the story about the city's suffering and heroic resistance supported by local citizens and learn about the life of young teenage girl Anne within Nazi German occupation by visiting the Anne Frank House.

Highlights / Itinerary

- Anne Frank House

Jewish quarter:

- National Holocaust Monument With Names

- Auschwitz Monument

- Hollandsche Schouwburg alias Dutch Theater ( Holocaust Memorial)

- Jewish Historical Museum

- Portuguese Synagogue

- Dockworker Statue

- National Holocaust Museum

- Mozes and Aaron Church

- Gassan Diamonds

- Uilenburger Synagogue

- Pinto's House

- Rembrandthouse Museum

- Waterlooplein and Flea Market

- Baruch Spinoza Monument

- Memorial Jewish Resistance


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