Ostrog Monastery Tour from Podgorica

Sprache Englisch, kroatisch, Russisch, Serbian
Kosten 140 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

On this tour you will visit one of the most visited places in Montenegro - Ostrog Monastery.

We will visit the Lower Monastery - the Church of the Holy Trinity, as well as the Upper Monastery, the church dedicated to the Presentation of the Holy Mother of God, where the bridges of Saint Basil the Wonderworker are kept, whose body is completely preserved, even though he died in the 17th century!

You will be amazed by the place itself since the monastery is carved into the rocks, landscapes, but also the astonishing stories about the life of St. Basil and the miracles that happen to people who visit the monastery.

**** Lunch in hotel Sokoline near the monastery - Optional ****


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