Bahrain full day tours BH 1003

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Tagalog
Kosten 160 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

3: bahrain full day tours (1003).

Trip start at 9:00am end 5:00pm

(tours including water and juices).

(tours including transportation).

(tours including lunch).

9:00am pick from meeting point.

9:30am visit al fateh grand mosque.

10:15am visit muharraq soqe to test traditional local sweet.

10:45am vist old wooden ships factory.

11:15am visit bahrain world trading center (photo stop).

11:45am visit bahrain fort.

12:30pm traditional lunch in manama soqe (bab al bahrain).

2:30pm visit first oil well.

3:30pm visit tree of life.

4:00pm visit royal camel farm.

4:30pm vist bahrain international circuit (F1).

5:00pm back to meeting point (tours end).

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