Full Day Accra City Private Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden

Welcome to Ghana. During our full day private tour you will see all the interesting and popular sights Accra has to offer with an exciting experience that will warm your hearts. I will take you through the beautiful city of Accra to see the historical sites that makes Ghana beautiful.

We'll see all of the monumental places in Accra and they're certainly worthwhile. I will also show you the special things that make Accra beautiful. As your private tour guide, I can adjust the schedule, duration and activities to meet your needs. Please let me know of any special requests you may have.


During this memorable full day private tour you will see all the most exciting and popular sights and experience the tour of Accra, capital of Ghana, take you through the administrative and economic districts of the city to experience the flavor of this 132-year-old city, which features a blend of colonial and modern architecture.

We'll see all of the things you would see on an ordinary tour - they're certainly worthwhile. But I will also show you the special things that make Accra great. As your private tour guide, I can adjust the schedule, duration and activities to meet your needs. Please let me know of any special requests you have.

You will visit the Makola Central Market of Accra

Explore Accra International conference art and craft centre, where you can buy souvenirs.


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