Explore Eastern Java & Bali 10 Days and 9 Nights

Sprache Englisch, Indonesisch
Kosten 1080 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 3 Tage

Price USD (per person) :

2 participants USD 2,050

3 - 5 participants USD 1,655

6 - 8 participants USD 1,195

9 - participants USD 1,080

Itimerary :

Meet point Surabaya East Java

Day 1 : Pick Up ( around 12.00 - 16.00) - Go to Bromo area

Day 2 :

Sunrise Mt. Bromo use Jeep safari - Treking Mt. Bromo - Continue to Ijen area - Check in hotel around Mt. Ijen

Day 3 :

Climbing Mt. Ijen to see blue fire and panoramic Mt. Ijen - Continue to Bali - Check in hotel in Bali

Day 4 : Free time

Day 5 :

One day explore Ubud : Barong dance - Tegenungan waterfall - Tirta empul temple - Kintamani - Tegalalang

Day 6 :

Explore South Kuta : Water sport Benoa ( price not include water sport activity) - Melasti beach - Uluwatu temple - Kecak dance Uluwatu - Dinner at Jimbaran - Check in Hotel

Day 7 :

One day visited Bali Zoo (other option Water Boom Bali)

Day 8 :

Explore West Bali National Park : Snorkeling at Menjangan Island

Day 9 :

One day trip to Nusa Penida

Day 10 :

Free activity - waiting schedule flight back to go home

Price include :

Price includes:

1. Vehicle with Air Conditional, driver and fuel

2. Parking donations and ferry crossings

3. Hotel dor 9 nights 1 room for 2 person include breakfast

4. Entrance tickets to Mount Bromo & Ijen and entrance ticket toueist area same like on program

5. Jeep safary Mt. Bromo

6. Masks & guide climbing while climbing Mount Ijen

7. Boat and Equipment snorkeling at Menjangan Island

8. Boat and vehicle in Nusa Penida

9. Ticket entry Barong Kecak dance

10. Dinner 1x in Jimbaran

11. Snack 1x and mineral water and cups during the trip

Prices do not include:

1. Air plane ticket go and back

2. Cost of lunch and dinner

3. Personal expenses

4. Rent water sport equipment in Benoa Nusadua

5. Guide photo service in Nusa Penida

5. Things that are not mentioned in the facilities mentioned above

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