Dahshour pyramids & Saqqara tombs

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

V.imp: I don't waste your time in stores & I don't force you to buy anything. I'm a licensed guide by the ministry of tourism, so, you will be safe with me, unlike unlicensed ones who put u in troubles with authorities and you'll pay for their tickets too. They also take u to certain expensive stores and waste your time instead of explaining the details. I'll make every minute of your trip so much valuable with tons of interesting information. I've studied Egyptology for years in my university and got my license after so many hard exams. I'll show u inside the amazing earlier pyramids and tombs of Dahshour and Saqqara (Bent pyramid, Unas Pyramid, Djoser pyramid, Teti pyramid, Underground Serapium) in a breath taking experience you will never forget &, teach you how to read the hieroglyphics texts (ancient Egyptian language), after a delicious breakfast between palm trees of Dahshour.


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