Full Day Addis Ababa City Tour

Sprache Amharisch, Englisch, Tigrinya
Kosten 110 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Explore the magical city of Ethiopia ,Addis Ababa with me and i will show you the top attraction of the city during your day tour . The tour will start with the best view of the city ,Entoto mount and park , on the way dawn we stop to see the national museum where you can see 'Lucy ' the origin of human kind. Afterthe museum we take a break for lunch in traditional or western you can select the options and you will fast the traditional coffee with its ceremony . Afternoon , we head to see St.George church one of the oldest church in Addis Ababa. Next ,we drive to see the largest and open market in Africa is Merkato and this shows the real life of the African people .Then ,drive back to your accommodation .


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