[North Sulawesi] An In-Depth Multiday Tour in The Minahasan Land

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

On this tour, we are gonna explore the beauty of the nature and culture of Minahasan Land.

Start with the highlight, city sight-seeing and explore the local food in the city.

Then on the next days we'll explore the beach, lake, hot spring, archipelago, volcano, rain-forest, cave, hills, rock cliff, archeological site, how local people lives their life and many more.

I assure you this will be an unforgettable experience.

Day 1: Arrival. Pick up at the airport and drop to hotel

Day 2: Flavor of Manado: Highlight and City-Sight (food tasting and dinner included)

Day 3: Enjoying Nature in Likupang (food tasting and dinner included)

Free day on Saturday

Day 4: Waruga Archeological Park then trekking at Tangkoko National Park (lunch and dinner included)

Day 5: Exploring Bunaken Archipelago (lunch and dinner included)

Day 6: Minahasan Cultural Tour (lunch and dinner included)

Day 7: A Glance of the beauty of Minahasan Land (food tasting and one time meal included)

Day 8: Drop to the airport. I'll see you again for sure :)


- Guiding Services

- Private Car with a/c

- Private boat renting for seashore exploring

- Drinking water

- Food tasting (traditional snack and local fruit)

- Ranger fee at Tangkoko National Park

- Snorkeling equipment at Bunaken National Park


- Hotel

- Personal Expenses

- Souvenirs

- Additional meals

Feel free to contact me if you want to customize the tour.


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