Private Taj Mahal Sunrise and Agra Fort Tour

Sprache Englisch, hindi, Spanisch
Kosten 2000 INR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

The below proposed schedule is flexible and you may change the timings as per your preference like 06:00 Am.

Before starting the tour of Taj Mahal at Sunrise. you will meet your Professional Tour guide at the hotel lobby, Railway Station or any other pre-fixed location in Agra.

6:00 am: Proceed the tour with a beautiful & stunning sunrise view of Taj Mahal, the magnificent monument that stands at the heart of India has a story that has been melting the hearts of millions of listeners since the time Taj Mahal has been visible. A story, that although ended back in 1631, continues to live on in the form of Taj Mahal and is considered a living example of eternal love. It's the love story of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal.

After visiting Taj Mahal enjoy your buffet breakfast in your pre-booked Hotel.

After having buffet Breakfast, start the tour of Agra Fort, is another UNESCO World Heritage site located in Agra, India. Agra Fort built by Akbar in Red Sandstone when he was through with the consolidation of his power after accession to power in 1654, Agra Fort worked both as a military strategic point as well as the royal residence.

Agra is very famous for beautiful handicraft.

Later go for shopping in Agra, one of the most important centers for handicrafts, made of marble inlay work. The Mughals were great patrons of art and craft.

Later your private tour guide will return and drop you off at your Hotel, Railway Station or any preferred location in Agra.



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