Nanaga Parbat 8126m Pakistan 2nd Highiest Peall BC

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Finnish, Französisch, Deutsch, japanisch, Spanisch
Kosten 1440 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

8 Das Fairy Meadow - Nanaga Parbat BC - Hunza Tour

A place to visit and Activities

Day 1st:Islamabad – Narran/ Chilas

Eerily in the morning drive from Islamabad to Chilas through the Mansera motorway. Short tea break at Balakot and drive to Narran, Lunch at Narran, On the way visit Lulusar Lake, cross the Babusar pass 4500m, and enjoy the view of lush green valley and mountain, today you see Pakistan's longest river Indus. on arrival, Chilas transferred to the hotel.

Day 2nd: Chilas- Fairy Meadow

After breakfast drive to Raikot bridge, transfer to 4 wheels jeep, one and half hour drive to the end of Jeep able Road Tato, a short break and lunch, two to three-hour walk to the Fairy Meadow Cottage hotel. On the way you enjoy the amazing view of the mountain, and horse riding facilities from the end of the jeep able to the meadow are also available. if you want, On arrival transfer to the hotel.

Day 3rd: After breakfast trek to the Base camp of Nanga Parbat, 3 hours to the Nanga Parbat base camp, and 3 hours back to Fairy Meadow, the easy trek. Overnight in the hotel.

Day 4th: Fairy Meadow – Gilgit – Hunza

Enjoy the morning view of Nagaparbat 8126m Pakistan's second highest mountain in the Himalayan mountain range and visit the meadow and walk back to Tato, A jeep will pick you up from Tato to Raikot bridge, and drive to Hunza, Lunch at Rakaposhi 7788m viewpoint. After lunch dive to Hunza on arrival and transfer to the hotel.

Day 5th: Hunza – China border – Passu

Today after breakfast visit the viewpoint Hunza Nagar Valley 10 minutes from your hotel, then drive to the Pakistan-China Border Khunjerab passes the 4600m heist border crossing in the world. Back to sost for lunch, After lunch visit Borith Lake and Passu Glacier, which is also called white glacier and overnight stay at Ghulkin Gojal Hunza,

Day 6th :Passu – Nalter

In the mooring visit the village and then the Atta Bad lake , visit Baltit Fort, and lunch at Karimabad or Rakaposhi View Point. After lunch drive to Nalter Valley. On arrival transfer to hotel. In the evening walk to the famous ski left area, overnight in a hotel.

Day 7th Nalter- Besham

After breakfast drive back to Gilgit visit Karga Buda and drive to Chilas. After lunch drive to Besham through the KKH, Overnight at Besham.

Day 8th : Besham – Narran/ Islamabad

Today you will drive back to Islamabad, and enjoy of the tour.


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