Islamabad- Peshawar Khyber Pass Afggan Border

Sprache Englisch, Persisch, Urdu
Kosten 540 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Day 1st: Islamabad –Peshawar

7 am start from Islamabad to Wah Garden the famous Mughal Empire royal garden. Visit different parts of the garden and drive to Gurdwaras Panja Sahib is a famous gurdawaras located in Hasan Abdel. After the visit go to the Indus River and the view of Attack Fort. then drive to Peshawar, On arrival check in at the hotel.

Explore Peshawar

Day 2nd: In the morning visit the Khyber Pass Gate and back to the old city, Explore the old city and visit the museum, and also the Sethi house, the famous silk router traders family house. And the mosque of Muhobbat Khan, Overnight in Peshawar.

Day 3ed:Peshawar – Takht-i-Bahi – Islamabad

After breakfast drive to Takhti-B, the famous archaeology site visit the local market for local products, and drive back to Islamabad.


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