San Sebastian visit & Pintxo tour experience

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 275 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

If you are interested in culture and history, in understanding how San Sebastian changed through the years from one of the most impregnable fortress of Europe to the appealing tourist resort and gastronomical hub that became now a days, I'll take you on a fascinating historical journey around the new and old city, describing clearly the primary points of interest.

In the second part of the tour I'll take you to the more traditional "pintxo" bars to taste this traditional Basque food.

Pintxo (meaning toothpick in Basque) is like a religion for us, we meet in bars to eat these delicious snacks while drinking a cup of tasty wine. Is part of my social life so you are in good hands in choosing the most authentic and best ones!

San Sebastian's old town has the biggest amount of bars per square meter in Spain and has become the world's capital for pintxos, which makes the pintxo-tour a must in your visit.

Join me in this experience and then you'll tell me which one you enjoyed the most!


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