Visit Old & New Capital of Dhaka

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 85 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Sightseeing Dhaka & have a shower of Mass. You can enjoy colorful traffics, horse coach to Mercedes coaches are running in the same street. Now a days Dhaka is known as City of Rickshow (Tricycle) earlier it was known as City of mosques & during Mughals it was famous for its Muslin.

Sonargaon - the old capital of Bengal is located 30 km from the city center. Now you will find a abandoned township, ruins of buildings & a reach folk art museum.

In the morning will pick up from hotel lobby & ; drive to Sonargaon - the old capital of Bengal & visit Goildi mosque, Panam City &; Folk Art Museum. Will return to Dhaka for lunch &; visit Sadarghat river front; Ahsan Manjil Museum (Pink Palace- closed on TRH); Armenian Church; Star Mosque; Dhaka University area (Curzon Hall, Shahid Minar, Mosque of 16th century), Dhakeswari Hindu Temple; Lalbagh Fort/National Museum. Drop you at your hotel lobby.


- Air Conditioned Transport with Fuel, Driver, Toll & parking

- All applicable taxrs

- English speaking Guide service


- Food,

- Entry fees of the monuments and

- All personal expanses.


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