Santiago City Private Tour

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 235 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden


Santiago is the capital and largest city of Chile, located in the country's Maipo Valley. The city counts with a colonial and European architecture that features a distinctive style that invites thousands of visitors to explore its street full of museums, stores and world-class restaurants. Santiago is one of the most vibrant and cosmopolitan cities in Latin America that offers unlimited cultural and leisure activity, so you can enjoy the most of it!

During this tour, we will explore the both faces of Santiago: the old and the new barrios that represents the economical boom of the 90's . We will also visit some of the city's most famous landmarks, San Cristobal Hill. One of seven hills that form the city's Metropolitan Park. San Cristobal offers excellent views of the city and the surrounding mountains. It has also played an important role in the history of Santiago, from pre-Hispanic times to the modern day. The journey to the top will be by cable car, and down via the hill's famous funicular railway.


Pick up at any agreed location around Santiago Downtown, Las Condes, Vitacura, Providencia.

Drive to San Cristobal Hill where we will take the cable car (funicular) and cableway (teleférico) and then enjoy the best views of Santiago.

Afterwards we will drive and sightsee the modern neighborhoods of Santiago, such as Las Condes and Vitacura.

As soon as we complete our exploration in the business area of the capital of Chile, we will begin heading to the historical sites and you will be able to see contrasts between the old and the new.

Places to visit: Santa Lucia Park, Barrio Paris-Londres, Barrio Cívico, La Moneda Palace, The Supreme Court of Justice, Stock Exchange, Plaza de Armas, Lastarria neighborhood


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