Bike to kilimanjaro Moutain

Sprache Englisch, Suaheli
Kosten 1970 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Tage

our most preferred way to conquer Kilimanjaro mountain is on two Wheels, and this is what we believe about this amazing adventure, it's not about Altitude but your Attitude and Fitness with Correct Preparation and good Team.

it's difficult for us to put into words, just how special an experience it is to ride your bike through the volcano mountain.

looking for a real mountain biking adventure? if you are then book the mountain bike Kilimanjaro trip to ride in the shadows and all the way up to the tallest mountain in Africa. it would be unforgettable experience.

Kilimanjaro Biking Tours is a special Kilimanjaro hiking Package where you will cycle up Kilimanjaro with two wheel. Whether you reach the summit depends almost exclusively upon one factor: Your acclimatization. Our whole itinerary is geared towards one single day, that is to say, summit day.

A lot of the time we will have to push the bikes. Riding them would theoretically be possible but it would use far too much energy. We need to save most of this for the day of the summit…when we will have a climb of 1200m. There is more than enough time for this, as we will set off shortly after midnight. As a reward for reaching the summit, we have a compulsory souvenir photo in store for you as well as a nearly 5000m descent. You’re guaranteed to be talking about this for a long time afterward.

The Kilema Mountain bike trail runs parallel with the Marangu route. The Kilema route is mainly used as an access road by vehicles to bring supplies to the Horombo hut and to evacuate medical emergencies from the Horombo hut. The route from Kilema gate to Horombo hut is a 4 x 4 gravel road, which is usually in fair condition.

The Kilema route with the first night at the Kilema camp option is shorter, less strenuous, and involves more mountain biking, compared to the Kilema route option with the first night at Mandara hut. However, it is more expensive, as the first night is spent camping in tents and the rest of the nights are spent in the Marangu route’s A-frame huts. Cycle Up to Kilimanjaro With Local guides in Moshi.

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