Discover Senegal

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1500 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

Senegal Discovery Tour

DAY 1 : Airport/Dakar

Today, we’ll meet and transfer you to your hotel in Dakar.

Ibis Hotel or similar.

DAY 2 : Dakar/Goree Island/Pink Lake

Today, we’ll explore the capital of this exciting country. We’ll visit key places and monuments; the Cathédrale Notre Dame des Victoires and parliament building. Then, by boat, we visit Goree Island, once the largest slave-trading centre on the African coast, to learn about our past. After lunch, we head out to Lac Rose (Lake Retba), Senegal’s famous Pink Lake.

Overnight in your hotel (Chez Salim Hotel or similar).

DAY 3 : Pink Lake/Saint-Louis

After breakfast, we’ll enjoy a tour of the lake by 4x4, and learn about the Paris-Dakar rally. We’ll also watch the salt harvesters who make a living by collecting salt from the lake. Later, we continue on Saint Louis (the former capital), with a stop at Thies for lunch.

Overnight in your hotel (Mermoz Hotel or Cap Saint Louis Hotel).

DAY 4 : Saint-Louis/Djoudj/Saint-Louis/Lompoul

We begin today with a visit to the Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary. You will enjoy a boat ride in the park spotting various birds. (NB : from June to October, Djoudj is closed. During these times we’ll visit Langue de Barbarie instead). After returning to Saint Louis for lunch, we’ll take a city tour of Saint Louis on foot or by horse-drawn cab. We then head out to the Lompoul Desert, and our desert camp for the night.

DAY 5 : Lompoul/Touba/Kaolack/Toubacouta

Today, we visit the holy city of Touba with its impressive mosque, then drive to Kaolack, the capital city of the Sine Saloum region, famous for groundnut production. After lunch, we continue on to Toubacouta, where we stay for the night.

Overnight in your hotel (Keur Saloum or similar)

DAY 6 : Toubacouta/Foundiougne/Joal/Saly

Today, we continue our journey with many stops to enjoy attractions along the way : Foundiougne - to see the oldest Baobab tree in Senegal; Fadiouth – Senegal’s famous « Shell Island » ; Joal - the first President of Senegal’s homeland ; and, finally, Saly, where we stay overnight.

Overnight in Saly. Bougainvillees Hotel or Royal Saly.

DAY 7 : Saly/Mbour

Today we explore Mbour, a Serrere village, and visit the nursery and maybe the local school. We’ll enjoy lunch in the village of Ngaparou before returning to Saly for the night. Overnight in Saly. Bougainvillées Hotel or Royal Saly.

DAY 8 : Saly/Airport

The tour ends today, and can either transfer you to the airport, or to a hotel in Dakar if you are staying longer.


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