Mombasa's Mouth-Watering Street Food Tour: Explore the City's Best Bites with a Local Guide!"

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

Are you ready to embark on a culinary adventure through the bustling streets of Mombasa? Join me on a walk through the city's vibrant neighborhoods to explore the best street food that this coastal city has to offer.

This tour is not your typical food excursion - it's a journey for the senses, where we will be immersed in the sights, smells, and flavors of Mombasa's rich culinary traditions. We'll be visiting at least 5 different street food spots that offer a unique taste of Mombasa's diverse cultures.

Our first stop is a popular joint for locals, where we will indulge in crispy Viazi karai and Bhajia served with tangy tamarind sauce. Then, we'll head over to a traditional coffee and tea spot where you'll get to taste the best Kenyan coffee and tea while learning about the history and culture behind these beloved beverages.

Next, we'll visit a street food stall that specializes in beef and chicken skewers, Shawarma, and sugarcane juice - a refreshing and popular drink among locals. We'll then take a stroll to the seafood spot, where we'll feast on fresh octopus, prawns, and lobsters cooked to perfection.

Our final stop will be the perfect sweet ending - Madafu, a refreshing coconut water drink, paired with cassava chips, mabuyu, and achari, which are all must-try local delicacies.

Throughout the tour, I'll share stories about Mombasa's history, culture, and traditions, and how they have influenced the local cuisine. As a food enthusiast and a Mombasa local, I am passionate about sharing the city's culinary delights with travelers and foodies from around the world.

The tour starts and ends at Posta, a convenient location in the heart of the city. Vegetarians and vegans are welcome to join us, as we have a variety of options available. It's also important to note that we may visit other spots not highlighted, and we recommend bringing at least $25 for the food . Some portions may be large, so if we are many, the better. The more, the merrier!

Don't miss out on this unforgettable experience - book your spot today and let's discover the flavors of Mombasa together!

I will be by the entrance of city mall building with my sling brown bag. another option is I come pick you up where you are with private transportation you will let me know your preference when booking


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