1 Day Wasini Island Dolphin tour

Sprache Englisch, Suaheli
Kosten 180 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Tag

1 Day Wasini Island Dolphin tour

1 day

The species-rich coral reef provides a habitat for over 250 species of fish such as triggerfish, moray eels, angelfish, scorpionfish or rays, as well as green and hawksbill turtles and dolphins.

We will pick you up from your Hotel/Cottage Early in the morning. Then drive through coconut and Sugarcane plantation a 1 hour drive to Shimoni . We will pay for your Marine park tickets and then board an Arabic dhow and sail to Kisite Mpunguti marine park (1 and half hours) for snorkelling (about 2 hours)to see different types of colourful Fish, Sea Turtles, moray eels in crystalline blue sea waters. If you are lucky you can see and swim with Dolphins, which are there in large numbers.

Kisite Island is reserved for snorkelling by Kenya Wildlife Service. This is where you can see the diversity of life in the sea.

Later we will drive to Wasini Island seafood which includes Fish, Crab and Sea Weed served with Rice in coconut sap.

There are optional other meals on request. After lunch you will have an island walk to see the wasini village, coral garden and the school. Then board an Arabic dhow through the mangroves and back back to the Shimoni jetty where our driver awaits for you and transfer you back to your coastal Hotel/Cottage arriving at 4:00 pm

What to bring:

Swimming costumes, hat, sunscreen, water shoes and towels and Sunglass


Kisite-Mpunguti Marine National Park is a national park on the south coast of Kenya near the border with Tanzania. The Marine National Park includes Kisite Park, which covers 28 square kilometres, and Mpunguti Reserve, an eleven square kilometre marine area with four small islands surrounded by a coral reef.

The species-rich coral reef provides a habitat for over 250 species of fish such as triggerfish, moray eels, angelfish, scorpionfish or rays, as well as green and hawksbill turtles and dolphins. Depending on the season, humpback whales and whale sharks can also be found.

There are caves with freshwater springs whose origin is believed to be in the Kilimanjaro massif, more than 200 kilometres away.

Route from Mombasa to Diani to Wasini Island (Shimoni):

Departure -Pick-up where you are

Departure Time - about 6:30 in the morning by appointment

Return Time - 4:00 pm


Lunch with seafood (optional other food, e.g. chicken)

Nature conservation fees

Beverages (lemonade and mineral water)

Snorkeling equipment



Alcoholic drinks

Tips and personal necessities


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