From Marrakech : Day Hiking To The Summit Of Talamrout

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

A 7 hours guided moderate day trek from the centre of Imlil 1740m to the summit(Adrar) of Tamalaroute, which looms over Imlil and its surrounding valleys.

This popular day trek is ideal for trekkers who will be attempting to climb Mount Toubkal. We grade it as a 'moderate' day trek due to its almost 1,000m of ascent and descent and approx. 6 hours of walking. It offers many great views of both the Imlil and Imnane Valleys from several points in route.

I will come & pick you up from your Hotel in Marrakech at 8:00 am. Then, we drive towards the high atlas mountains which are very closer to Marrakech city.

We will make frequent stops along the way. After that, we will keep driving towards Imlil valley 1 740m.

From the center of Imlil 1740m we first head up the Tamatert Valley to the Tizi n'Tamatert pass (2,280m) via the Berber villages of Ait Souka and Tamatert.

At the pass there is a stone shelter with refreshments on sale (seasonal).

From the pass we head into Moroccan pine forest and pick up a trail that leads to the summit of Adrar Tamalaroute.

Reaching the summit of Adrar Tanalaroute (2,724m) there's time to marvel at the view of the Imenane Valley and the Berber villages of Amskere and Ikkiss before we begin our descent back to Imlil. We'll enjoy lunch break on our way down. After then, We drive back to Marrakech . Drop off at your Hotel in Marrakech.


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