Kathmandu Day Tour

Sprache Chinesisch, Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, hindi, japanisch, Koreanisch, Nepali, Spanisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Embark on a whirlwind adventure through the vibrant streets of Kathmandu, immersing yourself in the rich history, culture, and spirituality of Nepal's capital city. In this action-packed one-day city tour, you'll uncover the hidden treasures and iconic landmarks that make Kathmandu a truly captivating destination.


8:00 Pickup from the hotel by a guide/car

8:30 Pashupati Darshan

10:00 Breakfast

10:30 Boudha sightseeing

12:00 Lunch at Thakali (a typical Nepali Thali set)

13:00 Swambhu Sightseeing (view Kathmandu from the top)

15:00 Kathmandu Durbar Square (Kumari, Kastamandap & Museum)

16:00 Drop up in the hotel


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