Montcalm and Saint-Jean Baptiste historic districts walking tour

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 270 CAD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

Montcalm and Saint-Jean-Baptiste are, along with Parliament Hill, the Upper Town neighborhoods just west of the Old Town fortifications. Historically, Saint-Jean Baptiste was a working-class district and Montcalm reserved for the elite. Located next to each other, many elements of the past still linger, but today they are both bustling urban neighborhoods where people from all walks of life mingle. In the past few years, Montcalm has rebranded itself as the Arts District.

This visit will give you the pulse of Quebec City’s urban fabric and present the two neighborhoods’ architectural, social, and cultural richness that leaves no one indifferent.

In a typical two-and-a-half hour tour, we will pass by Battlefields Park (Plains of Abraham), fine arts museum and its flagship fresco "Tribute to Rosa Luxembourg," Cartier Avenue and the surrounding streets, the bourgeois houses of Grande-Allée, Joan of Arc Garden, the Grand Théâtre de Québec, Parc de l'Amérique française, Place de l'Acadie, the former Jeffery Hale Hospital, the former Ohev Sholem Synagogue (now Théatre du Périscope), Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church, Martello Tower 4, Saint-Jean Street and the surrounding streets, and the former St. Matthew’s Anglican Church (now the Claire-Martin library) and its historic cemetery.


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