Historic District of Old Quebec walking tour (3 hours)

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 270 CAD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

As part of the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Historic District of Old Quebec is full of treasures from the past and present. In a typical three-hour tour, we will pass by the Parliament Building (National Assembly), Tourny Fountain, Citadelle of Quebec, Battlefields Park (Plains of Abraham), the Cross of Sacrifice, Churchill & Roosevelt Monument, Dufferin Terrace, Champlain Monument, Château Frontenac, Governors’ Park, Jacquet House, the Ursuline Monastery, Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, City Hall, Price Building, City Hall Square, the Augustinian Monastery, the Latin Quarter, Quebec Seminary, Basilica-Cathedral Notre-Dame-de-Québec, Montmorency Park, Monsigneur de Laval Monument, Breakneck Stairs, the Petit-Champlain District, Place Royale, Place de Paris and the Mural of Quebecers.

Depending on the starting and ending points of the visit, it is also possible to visit part of the Old Port, including the old financial district of Saint-Pierre Street, Saint-Paul Street and its antique shops and art galleries, as well as the picturesque Sous-le-cap Street.

This tour is ideal for cruise ship visitors.


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