The highlights of the old city

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 150 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

We start visiting the Roman Hippodrome, learn about the social life and culture of the Romans in the Hippodrome and enjoy some time taking photos and enjoying the site. We continue to the Blue Mosque and find out if it's really blue and all of its mysteries and learn a little about Islam and the Sultans. Then we continue right across to the very shining star of our city, Saint Sophia we get lost in the mysteries of it and find out about its significance either for Christianity or Islam. After that we turn our way to the glorious Topkapı Palace get lost in its sections have a look at the beautifully decorated rooms and have an idea of the sultan's lives in this imperial palace of ottomans.

After a break for lunch, we take a walk roughly ten minutes to the Grand Bazaar which has been a subject and scene of the famous movie of James Bond and get lost in its labyrinth of streets with 4000 thousand shops where you get a chance to buy souvenirs.

Include only guiding

Exclude entrance fees lunch tips


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