Lake Nakuru National Park Express Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 260 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

This is a daily excursion safari adventure to Great Rift Valley ecosystem’s main attraction being Lake Nakuru which houses National Park with birds and wild animals.

Lake Nakuru is home to Greater and Lessor Flamingoes which can be found feeding in the shallows of the lake and also home to the White rhino and leopards. The lake is small, shallow (varies from 5 to 20 square kilometers) with alkaline water mass situated on the edge of Nakuru town, 160 kilometers north of Nairobi; it can therefore be visited on a day tour.

The park boasts a large population of Lions, Giraffe, Buffalo, Leopard, and Waterbuck as well as many other species of game thus offering a worthwhile wildlife experience.

Departure Point: Your Nairobi Hotel

Departure Time: 6:30 am

Return Time: Drive back to the departure

Private Tour: Professional guide

Important Information

Departure Point: Your Nairobi Hotel

Departure Time: 6:30 am

Return Details:

Return by sunset to the departure point


Private Tour,

Transport /return,

Professional guide,

Park Entrance Fees Adult US $60 /Child US$35 per person

Hotel pickup

Hotel drop-off

Not Included

Food (Lunch )and drinks

Alcoholic drinks (available to purchase)


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