2 Days Amboseli Luxury Safari

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 580 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Tage

Amboseli is 4-hour drive South of Nairob. The big country sites of Amboseli National Park outlines the ecosystem of dusty bushes under the shadow of the mighty Mt. Kilimanjaro. This park lies at the foot of Africa’s tallest mountain and the largest free-standing mountain in the world.

Tour Highlights:

Large Elephant herds

Mt. Kilimanjaro peaks (weather permitting)

Most of the Big Five - Lion, Leopard, Buffaloe

Observation hill which allows an overall view of the Amboseli park especially the swamps and majestic herds of elephants.

Swamp below observation hill which hosts many elephant, buffaloes, hippos and a variety of water fowls like pelican, Egyptian goose.Kori Bastards.

Contemporary Masai culture and indigenous lifestyle of ages yore.


Transport in a customized safari van for game viewing

English speaking Driver/guide,

Game drives, Mineral water

Accommodation in a lodge or tented camp

Meals on Full Board basis while on Safari

All Park Entrance Fees

Round-trip airport transfer

Not Included

International flight tickets

Airfares, Visa Fees

Things of personal nature

Soft & alcoholic drinks

Optional activities unless specified as included above;

Tips and other gratitude


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