Agadir city tours 4 hours

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
Kosten 60 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden

Agadir City Tour

Agadir City Tour, will give you the opportunity to visit the main attractions of the city, and the historical sites in a guided 3 hour tours. Agadir, located in the southwest of Morocco, the city is bordered by the ocean capital of southern Morocco, is a great city, famous for its beautiful golden beach and mild climate all year round.

Our city Tours started from your hotel or residance place we pick you up on time and first side pass by the promenade to reach the Marina And have a free time to shill And take a good photos after that we whold to kasabah of Agadir which mean the old town of Agadir to see a wonderful view of Agadir from top side and after visiting the biggest mosque here in Agadir with a Nice Architecture And get information about the religion as well .and the 4th stop is Argan cooperative where they do propre Oil .visit de medina of coco polozie (ticket includind )

And the last one will be at the biggest Market on Africa Sundays souk And having your free time to explore the different things of the Market from spices artisans And clothes and a lot . And after that take you Beck to your hotel


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