Varanasi Food Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 30 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

Explore sensory facets of Varanasi's street food culture on a palate-tingling culinary adventure with our gastronomic storyteller.

Feast on a world of oh-so-yummy treats oozing irresistible flavours and intoxicating aromas wafting through the air. It’s as if almost every bite tells a nostalgic tale, and every sniff whispers an amusing anecdote.

Whether it’s cuppa pick-me-up chai, crusty samosas, ghee-dripping chat nibbles or an assortment of sinfully luscious desserts and calming lassi, we’ve got all your cravings covered. Be sure to wrap up the party with a mouthful of iconic Paan (betel leaf mouth freshener), one of Varanasi's quintessential specialities popular the world over.

Spice up your Instagram stories and reels with a myriad of shots from this relishing excursion.


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