Private Heritage and Spiritual Walk Tour - Varanasi Kashi

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 25 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

Decipher the mystic essence that paints the kaleidoscopic backdrop of Varanasi’s history, culture, and spirituality.

Set off on a guided walk and become one with the quintessential holy mess that embraces time-honoured temples, puzzling alleys, vibrant bazaars, pilgrims, saffron rubbed holy men and cows alike.

Stroll along the stretch of river ghats (sets of steps leading down to the river), which define the life and identity of Varanasi. Besides chai sellers, boatmen, masseurs, and street barbers, the divine riverfront is home to fortune tellers, priests, yoga practitioners, wrestlers, and sketch artists. In the morning, you may run into a laughter club!

The birthplace of countless saints, philosophers, poets, and artists, the city of lights boasts a long history and rich tradition of academic, artistic, and spiritual excellence.

An ode to the timeless legacy of the mighty Ganges, here’s a settlement where life and death are equally celebrated!


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