Almaty City Tour: Medeu - Shymbulak - Kok-Tyube - Green Market - Panfilov Park

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

It is a standard day tour around Almaty's most popular attractions. I'll pick you up from your place (hotel, hostel, guesthouse, AirBnb etc.) and we'll head for the famous alpine skating rink Medeu, from where we catch a cable car to Shymbulak, mountain ski resort. There you can walk and enjoy the beautiful mountain landscape and, do some skiing in winter. Then we visit Kok-Tyube, which is a park near Almaty TV Tower located on the Kok-Tobe mountain (1100m). There is an amusement park, small zoo, the Beatles sculpture and a few cafes and fastfoods where we can have a lunch. After Kok-Tyube we'll go to the Green Market, or Green Bazaar, the central market of our city. There you'll have a chance to taste kumys (horse milk), shubat (camel milk), as well as learn more about local cuisine and purchase anything you want, including souvenirs. Located around 5-10 minutes walk from Green Market, Panfilov Park dedicated to WWII heroes. There's an Etearnal Flame there and famous Voznesenski Cathedral that is build without nails and survived the devastating Earthquakes in XIX - XX centuries.

Locations are optional. Price is negotiable. You can skip or add any other places you would like to visit during this tour, such as museums, the Republic Square, President Park etc. We'll negotiate the price according to your preferences. I have a comfortable SUV with on-board Wi-Fi. The ideal group size is 2-3 people. Not more than 5. Rates for 4-5 people might be higher. Additional expenses, such as food, tickets, parking must be paid separately.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. It'll be my pleasure to help you!


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