Olive Tasting & Rustic Village Lunch Tour from Bodrum

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden


-Guiding Services

-Private Transportation


-Tea, coffee, drinking water on the house

-2 glasses of wine per person

Enjoy an authentic lunch day with locals and your guide, who is from the same village!

Let's share a local wine and talk about Turkish village life away from touristic spots. As a true local who have lived there, I will tell you many stories and awill be happy answer all your questions about our culture!

You will be tasting natural olive oil grown in our village. The lunch will be prepared by locals and will be served in their authentic stone house. Part of the food is also prepared in wood fire. Vegetarians are also welcome, of course!

I promise an exceptional day to discover Turkey's deep parts and unknown tastes!


-Meet with the group at the port gate at 10 a. m.

-Drive to our village 30 minutes away from Bodrum port.

-Stop at old water tanks from Ottoman times

-Rustic lunch in turkish traditional village in authentic atmosphere

-Lunch will be prepared with seasonal fresh vegetables.

-From June to September you will be able to pick up grape leaves, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants from our garden.

-Lunch at 1 p. m

-2 p. m start from village to Bodrum centrum.

-Visit handcraft village shop if there is any interest

-Will be at Bodrum port latest at 4 p. m.

-Feel free to contact me if you would like to customize this tour!


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