Patan Durbar Tour

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch, Nepali
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Embark on a captivating one-day tour, the "Heritage Treasures of Patan and Cultural Villages Excursion," and immerse yourself in the rich heritage and cultural experiences that await you. Begin your journey at Patan Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where ancient palaces, temples, and courtyards showcase exquisite wood and stone carvings, offering a glimpse into the city's royal past. As you explore the narrow alleys, you'll encounter vibrant markets, traditional artisans, and local life bustling with energy. Then, venture into the quaint villages of Khokana and Bungamati, where time seems to stand still. Stroll along narrow streets lined with traditional Newari houses, witness the age-old craftsmanship of mustard oil extraction in Khokana, and admire the ancient Rato Machhindranath Temple in Bungamati.


8:00 Hotel pickup (after breakfast)

9:00 Patan Durbar Square sightseeing (Temples, palaces, and courtyards from the Malla era), and museum, (Keshav Narayan Chowk, Sundari Chowk, and Mul Chowk) with gilded doorways and decorative stone baths and wells.

11:00 Lunch

12:00 Traditional Village Khokana: Khokana is one of the most ancient Newari villages. This sleepy village was once a thriving economic hub. Surrounded by acres of paddy fields, Khokana is filled with traditional Newari houses and Hindu and Buddhist shrines. The shrine of goddess Rudrayani (the patron goddess of Khokana) lies at the center of the village. The village is known for the production of mustard oil using traditional methods. Stroll around and visit an ancient oil mill that is still in use.

14:00 Bungamati: Bungamati is known as the home of the valley’s Rain God, Machhindranath. The temple Built-in a shikara style, traditional homes of the villagers surround the large temple. The village streets are lined with wood and stone carving workshops. Bungamati Culture Museum, De Punkha (sacred pond), Karya Binayak Temple, and Bhairab temple are other places of interest.

16:00 Drop off at the hotel


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