Panoramic Mountain Flight

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, hindi, japanisch, Nepali
Kosten 230 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

The Panoramic Mountain Flight is an exhilarating experience that offers a bird's-eye view of the majestic Himalayan mountain range. You'll board a small aircraft and soar high above the clouds, witnessing the awe-inspiring peaks and valleys that define the Himalayas. From the comfort of your seat, you'll be treated to panoramic views of iconic mountains such as Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga, and Annapurna, among others. The flight allows you to appreciate the scale and beauty of these towering peaks, as well as the vast glaciers and deep valleys that punctuate the landscape. With the pilot providing insightful commentary, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the geology and cultural significance of the region. The Panoramic Mountain Flight is a remarkable opportunity to witness the grandeur of the Himalayas and create memories that will last a lifetime.


5:00 Hotel pickup (by the driver)

5:15 Drive to the Airport

6:00 Mountain flight

7:00 Drive to the hotel


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