Bungee and Rafting Expedition

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, japanisch
Kosten 650 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Tage

The Bungee and Rafting Tour combines two exhilarating adventures into one adrenaline-fueled experience. Starting with bungee jumping, you'll take a leap of faith off towering heights, feeling the rush of freefall and the exhilaration of rebounding back up. After conquering gravity, you'll embark on a thrilling rafting expedition, navigating through challenging rapids, working as a team to conquer the twists and turns of the river. Led by experienced guides, you'll receive comprehensive safety instructions and be provided with top-quality equipment for both activities.


Day 1: Kathmandu Arrival

Upon your arrival in Kathmandu, our team will warmly welcome you and assist with the necessary arrangements. You will be transferred to your hotel, where you can rest and acclimate to the vibrant atmosphere of the city.

Day 2: Drive from Kathmandu to Charaundi for Rafting (Trisuli River)

After breakfast, we embark on a scenic drive from Kathmandu to Charaundi, the starting point of our rafting adventure on the Trisuli River. Once we reach Charaundi, our experienced guides will provide a safety briefing and instructions for rafting. Get ready for an exhilarating day as we navigate through thrilling rapids, enjoy the refreshing water, and immerse ourselves in the natural beauty surrounding the river. In the evening, we drive back to Kathmandu and overnight at the hotel.

Day 3: Rafting and Drive Back to Kathmandu

Today, we continue our rafting expedition on the Trisuli River, exploring more exciting rapids and enjoying the thrill of conquering the mighty waters. Engage in teamwork, paddle with your companions, and make lasting memories as we navigate through the rapids. After completing the rafting trip, we drive back to Kathmandu and spend the night at the hotel.

Day 4: Kathmandu to Bungee Jumping Tour (Bhotekoshi)

After breakfast, we depart from Kathmandu and drive towards the thrilling Bhotekoshi River for an unforgettable bungee jumping experience. Upon arrival, our expert team will provide a safety briefing and ensure all necessary precautions are taken. Take a leap of faith from a high suspension bridge, freefall towards the rushing river below, and experience an adrenaline rush like no other. After the bungee jumping adventure, we return to Kathmandu for an overnight stay at the hotel.

Day 5: Final Departure

After breakfast, it's time to bid farewell to Kathmandu. Our team will assist you with your departure arrangements, ensuring a smooth and memorable conclusion to your Bungee and Rafting Tour. Take with you cherished memories of your thrilling adventures and the stunning landscapes of Nepal.


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