Full-Day Tour in Addis Ababa. Tour type. Shopping, Culture, History

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 78 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Join our full-day tour of Addis Ababa and experience the city's rich culture and history. Your Ethiopian tour guide will lead you on a trek to the sacred Entoto Maryam Church atop Mount Entoto, where you can enjoy a breathtaking city view. Next, stroll through a traditional goods market and visit one of the local artist's homes. For those who love markets, explore Addis Mercato, Africa's largest market.

Visit the sacred Entoto Maryam Church

Go to the traditional goods market and local artist's home visit.

Explore Africa's largest market, the Addis Mercato.

What is included in this tour.

-private driver, vehicle with fuel, tour guide, all entrance fee, Ethiopian traditional coffee, lunch, bottle water. All applicable tax. Price don't include others expenses mentioned above. If you have any questions regarding tour package or to visit in Addis Ababa pls feel free to contact in my WhatsApp.

Full-Day Addis Ababa City & Markets Tour

Meet your Ethiopian tour guide at an agreed-upon location and trek to see the sacred Entoto Maryam Church on Mount Entoto and enjoy a spectacular view of the city from there.

Stroll through the traditional goods market and visit one of the artist's homes or explore the Mercato Market, Africa's largest market occupying a swathe of Addis Ababa. If you’re a market lover, one place you can’t miss is Addis Mercato. Your tour comes to an end here.


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