1 Day Tour South Bandung

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 850000 IDR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

Bandung is a City in Indonesia, 3hrs from Jakarta. We are gonna make a trip to Ciwidey, It’s actually located in Rancabali district but Indonesian People known it as Ciwidey. Ciwidey is a district on on the way to rancabali. It will takes about 90mins from Bandung city. Ciwidey is a highland where many natural beauty places in there. Volcano, crater, waterfall, lake and tea plantation are interesting places to go. We are provide bandung tour(ciwidey) to make your vacation easier.

Pick up/Start at Hotel/Station/Airport/Anywhere in the Bandung City Area.

Visiting Kawah Putih.

Lunch at Local Resto.

Visiting Kawah Rengganis.

Visiting Glamping Lakeside.

Photo stop Tea Plantation.

Sightseeing in town and can take you to place to dinner.

Return to Hotel/Station/Airport/Anywhere in the Bandung City area *not valid for districts. Bandung. Finished.

Entry tickets to Kawah putih volcano, Kawah Rengganis hotspring, glamping lakeside.

1x bottle of water

1x lunch

Hotel pickup and drop-off


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