03Days 2Nights The Best Of Masai Mara Game Reserve

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 375 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

Day 00:: JKIA- Nairobi Hotel

Meet at the Airport JKIA and greet by Bencia Africa Adventure & Safaris at your details upon arrival transfer to Hotel booked on Bed and breakfast

Day 01:: Nairobi Hotel– Masai Mara Game Reserve

Meet and greet by Tour driver guide of Bencia Africa Adventure & Safaris for start at 0700hrs from your Residential Home for safari and depart from Nairobi and drive to Masai Mara through The Great African Rift Valley then Arrive at the Lodge and . Check in at the Lodge time for lunch. Afternoon game drive through the park in search of the Lion, Cheetah, Elephant, Buffalo and other members of the Big five plus other animals. Dinner and overnight at the Mara Miti Mingi Eco Camp, L/D/B

Day 02:: Masai Mara Game Reserve Full day

After the main breakfast at 0730hrs depart the camp for a full day Game viewing in the Great park with packed lunch in search of its popular residents like the well known predators and their opponents like the Zebra, millions Wildebeest, Giraffe, Hippo and the dangerous Crocodiles with a visit to Mara river. Your lunch to be served at Mara River with Hippos and Crocodiles and Millions of Wildebeest. Back to the camp at 1730hrs. Optional activity is taken past this time a visit to the Masai Village at Meals and overnight at the Mara Miti Mingi Eco camp B/L/D

Day 03::Masai Mara Game Reserve –Nairobi Hotel / Residents

Early Game drive at 0630hrs -0930hrs predictors hunting Lion, Leopard, Cheetah and the rest come for the full breakfast the check out from camp or lodge start safari back to Nairobi lunch en route and to arriving Nairobi at around 1630hrs drop to the Airport

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