Tokyo Tailored Private Tour

Sprache katalanisch, Englisch, japanisch, Spanisch
Kosten 390 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

Stroll the city, eating authentic street food discover the most photogenic corners of Tokyo? I am a professional photographer. During this amazing 8 hours' private walking tour, I will take you to the most popular sights of Tokyo. My favorite place to take traveler to is where tradition and modernity meets. I am a government licensed local tour guide with more than 9 years of experience! I know most of the corners and the details of this unique megapolis. We will be able to optimized and squeeze our time with no rush and without worring much!

There is lot to do and a lot to see in Tokyo. . . I have many suggestions, but maybe you have your own ideas, your own wishes, but without knowing the city it might be a bit difficult to make those wishes come true.

This tour is yours, to do what you want, and see what you are looking for, so I am here to make sure that happens! I will show you the special things that make Tokyo great. Itinerary depends on your pace. All my tours are 100% customized and flexible!

- Asakusa Sensoji (Oldest temple and oldest shopping street)

- Imperial Palace Square

-The secrets of Tokyo Station

- East Garden (former Edo castle grounds)

-For Japanese garden lovers I have a bunch of excellent suggestions.

- Meiji Shrine (Imperial shrine)

- Tsukiji Fish Market (Tsukiji outer market)

- Ueno Park (museum complex and zoo)

- Ginza (high-end shopping street)

- Harajuku (young girls' fashion street)

- Akihabara (Electronics town and comic enthusiasts' town, and discovering hidden secrets!!)

- Shibuya Big Crossing which is one of the most vibrant highlights of the city.

- Tokyo Tower (333m high, needs admission Yen 820)

- Odaiba (New Seaside city, futuristic city of 21C)

Return to the place of your choice in downtown-Tokyo.

The duration of the tours can be from 4h, 6h to 8h. I also deliver night tours!


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