Ulaanbaatar tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 210 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Tag

Starting from the airport, you can take a taxi and head towards the central part of Ulaanbaatar, where you can find accommodation, restaurants, and tourist attractions. If you don't want to order a bank card and make cash transactions, we can assist you with currency exchange to convert your foreign currency into Mongolian Tugrik. After the trip begins, you will first visit the tourist attractions along the main road, followed by exploring various places in Ulaanbaatar with cultural significance. These include:

- Sukhbaatar Square

- Shangri-La Mall

- Bogd Khaan Palace Museum

- National Museum

- Zaisan Memorial

- Morning Market

- Children's Park

- Bogd Khan Mountain Preserve

- Shadivlan (reindeer breeding, lake, wildlife sanctuary, beautiful nature reserve)

We would like to offer you a comprehensive experience of Mongolia's beautiful blue sky, clean air, and serene landscapes while showcasing the diversity of Mongolian culture and traditions. Additionally, we can create a customized map for you to explore other destinations, regions, and natural attractions according to your preferences. Rest assured that our services will be available to you throughout your journey from the moment of arrival.


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