Jaisalmer Walking Tour By Local Guide

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1500 INR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

We will begin our tour from Jaisalmer Fort which is in the centre of the city. The Golden Fort is 870-year-old living fort where 5000 people live inside. We will explore The king and Queens Palace And the beautiful streets inside the fort. After visiting Fort we will move Towards The Nathmal haveli. A haveli with Puzzle. After Nathmal haveli, we will move towards Patwo ki haveli which is the most beautiful haveli in Jaisalmer founded by billionaire Jain. After patwo ki haveli, our last point will be Beautiful Gadisar Lake. Gadisar Lake was the only source of water. With beautiful architecture lot of movie's shooting had been done there. After gadisar lake, we will visit the Salam Singh Haveli and after that, our tour will end. During The Tour We will learn That in old times How People live here in harsh conditions and what type of architecture of their houses helped them to survive in the Hot climate of jaisalmer.


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