10 days Black History Private Guided Tour of Ghana

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 3200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 3 Tage

Africans in the Diaspora have long searched for their ancestral roots and ways to reconnect with their lost cultural, historical and spiritual past.

We have designed a Blacks in the diaspora tour that will take you directly to your ancestral home and provide you an opportunity to not only meet members from your ethnic group, but from your clan group as well.

On this tour you will have the opportunity to learn the traditions of your ethnic group (i. e. greetings, dancing, cooking, dressing)

Meeting Point

Meeting Point Options: Rail or Bus Station, Monument/Building, Suggested by Guide: Please give me specific location or meeting point for pick up


Day 1 : Arrival in Ghana


Day 2 : Get together with different families and interact.


Day 3 : Naming ceremony/ Games


Day 4 : Kumasi city tour - Ashanti craft villages

Cape Coast

Day 5 : Cape coast and Elmina slave castles

Cape Coast

Day 6 : Kakum national park


Day 7 : Aburi botanical gardens - La pleasure beach


Day 8 : Leisure/ shopping of made in Ghana clothes and more.


Day 9 : Depart


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