Tirana City Tour (Local Guide)

Sprache Albanian, Englisch, Italienisch
Kosten 150 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

The visit includes:

- Bunk'Art 1

- Dajti Mountain (Via Cable Car)

- National Historical Museum

- Et'hem Beu Mosque

- Tirana Clock Tower

- Bunk'Art 2

- Tabaku Bridge

- The Pyramid

- "Dëshmorët e Kombit" Boulevard

- Prime Minister's Office

- The Palace of Congresses

- The Polytechnic University

- Blloku Area

- Villa 31, etc...

- Petrela Castle (Optional)

- Pëllumbas Cave (Optional)

- Shëngjergj Waterfall (Optional)

- Bovilla Lake (Optional)


- Comfortable Transport (Hotel pick-up/Drop-off) ===> (For groups until 4 people)

- Experienced National Tour Guide (Certified)

- A Bottle of Water/Person

Not Included:

- Drinks

- Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

- Ticket Fees

Note: The agency is not responsible for the weather conditions!

For groups that are more than 4 people, lunch can be arranged in one of the main restaurants in downtown with a fixed menu and extra payments. In this case you should communicate with the tour guide or agency.

*All 'Optional' tours are with extra payments and can be arranged with the tour guide or agency!

*We advise you that during our tours, especially castle & hiking tours, to wear comfortable shoes and outfits.

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