Chacas the traditioonal side of cordillera blanca

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 35 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 14 Stunden

The Punta Olympica Tunel considered the highest tunnel in the world at 4 738 masl, about 1km, this is the best place as point of view for the impressive big mountains, front side and back side green colour lakes. Chacas located in the area of Conchucos shows itself the typical and picturesque Andean village.

to complete this tour depart from Huaraz at 7am heading to north side Carhuaz (2 650 masl) will ascend towards the Ulta valley. Making short stop at Punta Olímpica tunnel (4 736 masl) the highest in the world, having a panoramic view of the mountains Huascarán, Chopicalqui , Hualcán and Ulta. Viewing the green turquoise lagoons then arrive to Chacas 3 330 masl, visit the typical buildings and wooden balconies that features Chacas, visit the cathedral and the workshop of artisans Don Bosco directed by a group of religious Italians carving wood which are exported to Europe and the United States. Also is appreciated the arts of glass and weavings


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